This Emotional Process We Call Moving…
How many times can one person move in a life time? As I sit here and think about it, I can’t help but wonder if it’s my constant desire to grow, or did being raised in a military family unknowingly make me part nomad? Perhaps it’s simply the desire to find a place that better fits who I’ve become? Whoa…too deep…let’s move on…
Wikipedia defines moving as: the process of leaving one dwelling and settling in another
Well that’s breaking it down to almost nothing, but how can almost nothing result in so much stress and frustration when the original idea is filled with excitement? There’s an emotional component to moving that cannot be defined by an encyclopedia or dictionary. It’s far more than “the process of leaving one dwelling and settling in another”, and it’s that emotional component that makes our families and friends cringe when they hear the words “will you help me move”. The mere mention or even suspicion of the process has people showing how well they mastered the oh-so-famous disappearing act as a child.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing here. I’m just thinking that we need to rethink how we define things. Maybe we need some sort of a reference guide on “what the facts don’t tell you” (more on that later). Either way, I’m determined to get some excitement back into this emotional process we call moving.
About Me

- Ang
- I'm a fan of things that are tangibly funny. Meaning, is it real...could it, or did it really happen. It's the reality of life and the connection to a moment that can bring on a type of unforgettable laughter.
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