I’m moving to buttons!
When did we all learn how to start a zipper? Preschool? Kindergarten? I have been able to start and zip since I can remember. So why is it that over the last year my ability to start a simple zipper resembles that of a 3yr old? I don’t get it.
I’m home alone, the dog is begging, it’s cold out, and every single casual jacket or sweater that I own has a zipper. I’m screwed! I spent 15 minutes trying to get my zipper started, gave up, and held my sweater closed for the next 20 minutes while I walked the dog in the cold wind. Is it any wonder why I can’t seem to shake this nasty cold?
After we finished our walk, I went through my closet on a mission to test every single zipper I own…and I could not get a single one started. Have I digressed that much? I’m not even 40 and I’m already having trouble. What will happen when I’m 50? Will I be forced to wear cushioned mittens as a safe-guard from accidental self-inflicted wounds?
Okay, so that may be a bit of an exaggeration…I hope. What I do know is that I feel silly asking my 17yr old daughter or my love to zip my sweater or jacket for me. Does anyone know where I can get “How to Start a Zipper, for Dummies”? I can’t seem to find it on Amazon.
For now I guess I’ll swallow my pride, ask for help, and start to convert my wardrobe to buttons. Yes, you heard me…I’m moving to buttons.
About Me

- Ang
- I'm a fan of things that are tangibly funny. Meaning, is it real...could it, or did it really happen. It's the reality of life and the connection to a moment that can bring on a type of unforgettable laughter.
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OMG, girl...this is hysterical!!!
It can't POSSIBLY be YOU...it must be those damned zipper manufacturers. They're trying to make us THINK we're losing our freakin' minds.
It's not US....it can't possibly be US.
Maybe we should switch to velcro?!
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