When’s the last time YOU saw a 5 year old behind the wheel?
We’re almost there. Chelsey graduates from high school next week! Whew! We made it…through blood, sweat, and tears we made it. She keeps asking me if I feel old, and I keep telling her no. How can I feel old when every time I look at her I see a 5yr old in pigtails with big blue eyes staring back at me?
This point does make her sitting in the drivers seat with new permit in hand a bit nerve racking…but I keep all screams to a minimum.
Hey…when’s the last time you saw a 5 year old behind the wheel?
Aside from my mental block around her true age, I’m absolutely stoked about next week. She has her graduation dress purchased, plans for celebrating in the works, and family and friends anxious to see her move into the next phase of her life.
Maybe when she turns 18 in the fall it will be a little easier for me to see her as a grown woman…or maybe my mental block will only allow me to see her moving from ages 5 to 6. Will I see the present her as she’s handed her diploma, or will I see the youngest person to ever graduate from her High School walking across the stage?
What I can be sure of is that I’ll be one of those crazy excited moms yelling “that’s my girl!”, wildly taking pictures of everything and everyone, eyes flooding with tears, wondering why she keeps hiding behind the person standing next to her. Okay…they’re flooding already. I need a tissue.
About Me

- Ang
- I'm a fan of things that are tangibly funny. Meaning, is it real...could it, or did it really happen. It's the reality of life and the connection to a moment that can bring on a type of unforgettable laughter.
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She will always be that little 3 year old to me, as well. Singing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in the back of your old Honda, or going to the mall with Uncle Nat and Aunt Juju. Sticking her finger into a cake and quickly licking off the frosting before anyone sees!!! :)
Congrats to both of you and no, you're not old. :)
Love you guys.
I can still remember her coming over so I could babysit and going out to the backyard to find her and Cai making potions from toothpaste, water and snails. Those girls were bound to be sisters. Congratulation! It is all worth it.
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Haha...Julie, I have a picture of that somewhere. She would sing so often that I had to make a "no singing while eating rule" just to keep her and everything around her somewhat clean. :)
Shannon, she and Cai laugh about their snail adventures all the time. I love hearing about them...but feel sorry for the snails. RIP
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