The Devil Won
I’ve wanted to speak French ever since I can remember. It ranks up there with My Dreams of a Doorman. When I was young my dreams of growing up did not include a white picket fence. For me, I wanted the big city life, to feel the buzz of everyone moving around me, the freedom for anyone to express themselves, and to be able to travel overseas and not sound like “those dumb Americans”. Yes, that was my dream.
How am I doing with that you ask? Well, I took French in high school where my biggest accomplishment took place towards the end of the year. The class was dissected into several groups and each group was responsible for coming up with an original skit and performing that skit completely in French. My group decided to do our own version of Married With Children, and I of course played the role of Peg Bundy. Why? Because I’m tall with red hair, so obviously that means that I can naturally whine out a loud “Alll-ll-l” as I walk into the room with bad clothes and high heels. Yes…that was my greatest accomplishment.
Years later I decided to try out the Rosetta Stone. I lost the cd after a few short weeks.
Now again, years later, I stumbled across the Application CD! Woo Hoo! I’m re-inspired! I will no longer be one of those “dumb Americans” who knows no language other than their own. I WILL BE RE-BORN!!
I’m excited!
I load the software, launch the app, and nothing! ummm…try again, and again. Ugh. I have Etienne look and still nothing…only he actually read the error message which stated I had the wrong disc in it. After reading the directions again we learned that I am still short a cd.
Nooo! I’m crushed! How will I ever realize my dream???
Wait…it’s on sale for $100 off and Amazon can have it to me before the end of the week. Is this finally the answer I’ve been looking for? This software is never on sale! Oh…beautiful Amazon. You are my hero!
Will I be able to finally learn French? I’m so excited at the possibilities! How many countries will I now need to visit so that I can “practice” my dream?
Okay…so maybe I’m getting a little too excited here. I mean, after-all, I also want to learn photography and tennis. Amazon also happens to have the Canon T2i on sale. And the best part? It has a custom menu for beginners…like me! How brilliant is that!
Now that’s just great! I got a little side tracked and now I have access to two things I’m itching to learn, and only time for one.
What to do, what to do…
It’s like I have a voice on each shoulder duking it out.
The Angel is painting a visual of wine vineyards, French market places, and the satisfaction of completing a long-time goal…
The Devil is telling the Angel to piss of because I can snap a picture as soon as that new camera arrives. Immediate gratification at it’s finest.
The Devil won.
About Me

- Ang
- I'm a fan of things that are tangibly funny. Meaning, is it real...could it, or did it really happen. It's the reality of life and the connection to a moment that can bring on a type of unforgettable laughter.
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